Refunds and Returns?

  • Refunds and returns will only be approved if the product we have supplied is deemed to be broken or faulty. No refunds will be given due to your change of mind, custom painted items (that you have approved prior) or gift cards. If you wish to dispute an item we have supplied please contact us.

Sold Out?

  • If we are sold out on an item that you want to order, contact us. Our Cast products are currently made in small batches and sell like hotcakes.


  • Yes we do pre-orders, but only available on Speed Equipment and custom Buick parts (not apparel unless stated) the current turnaround for an item is 4-6 weeks.

International Shipping?

  • Heck yeah we do. If you pay we will ship.

Custom paint?

  • We could be persuaded to provide you with a custom paint/ flake job on any of the speed equipment we list. It all depends on what you want and what we've got. Contact us for more information and pricing.

Used Buick Parts?

  • Yes we sell used Buick parts, however these are not listed on the website. If you are chasing something contact us, chances are we have it or know where to get it from.

    Where are our products made?

    • We design and make everything here in Australia (except for the apparel textiles). So when you buy from Desert Speed you are not only supporting this small business but the other small businesses we pay to create these products.